Customer Complaints Policy
We provide excellent customer service. Our complaints handling process aims to ensure all complaints are handled fairly and effectively.
We will:
- provide a quick, fair and structured mechanism for handling customer complaints
- keep customers informed about the progress of their complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution
- inform customers about their options for external dispute resolution (e.g., the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman)
- regularly review our complaints handling process to improve our standard of customer service
How to make a complain?
Please call our customer service on 1800 762 741 between 09:00 – 17:00 (AEST) Monday to Friday, to discuss your complaint as soon as possible. You can also make a complaint by using any of the contact methods on our website.
You can choose to have an authorised representative or advocate to make a complaint on your behalf. For help on how to appoint an authorised representative.
Free of charge
Making a complaint is generally free. We may only charge you a fee in specific circumstances and we will not impose a fee without discussing this with you.
We may charge you a fee where your complaint requires us to retrieve archived records that are more than 2 years old, or where you ask us for information that is not free under our Standard Form of Agreement or Information Summaries. You can choose not to pay the fee and discontinue your complaints. If we resolve your complaints in your favour we will refund you the full amount of any fees charged within 30 days.
What happens next
Upon receiving your complaint, we will confirm that we are investigating your complaint by telephone or writing within 2 working days. [We will give you a reference number (or similar) to allow you to easily follow up on your complaint].
If your complaint is urgent, such as if you are undergoing financial hardship under our Financial Hardship Policy, if your service is about to be disconnected, or if you are receiving Priority Assistance for the service (e.g., for medical reasons), we will prioritise your complaint and aim to resolve it within 2 working days. If we cannot, we will explain the reasons why it is taking longer to you.
If we cannot resolve your complaint immediately, we may need to investigate it. We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint, proposed actions, and the expected timeframe for resolution.
We will generally investigate and resolve your matter within 15 working days. Complex complaints may take longer than 15 working days to resolve. In this case, we will keep you updated on the reason for the delay and the likely timeframe for resolution. If the anticipated delay is longer than a further 10 working days and is not the result of a declared mass service disruption, we will advise you of your options for external dispute resolution including the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman. We will always advise you of the outcome of your complaint. [Where we need to fix your problem, we will agree with you on how this will be done]. Where you have requested us to do so, we will advise you in writing.
If you are unhappy with our complaints handling process
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may ask us to escalate your complaint to our senior management team. We will also inform you about external dispute resolution options, for example, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
We encourage you to contact us first if you are unhappy with your services from us. Alternatively, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) provides a free dispute resolution scheme for residential and small business telecommunication consumers. You can contact the TlO by:
Phone: 1800 062 058
Fax: 1800 630 614